Candace KesterEMS Program Specialist
Human Services & Public Safety - Emergency Medical Services
919-536-7238 x4205ems@durhamtech.eduEMS Information Session (Virtual)
Interested in a career in Emergency Medical Science? Join us to learn more!
Courses we offer:
- Emergency Medical Technicians (EMT)
- Advanced Emergency Medical Technicians (AEMT)
- Paramedic
- Emergency Medical Science Associates in Applied Science (AAS)
During the sessions we will discuss the following:
- career pathways
- admission process
- general program information
- what to expect as a student in the program
Attending an information session is mandatory before enrolling in an EMS program.
Contact ems@durhamtech.edu with questions.
Questions & Answers
We recommend something to take notes but you will receive a handout packet based on the program you are interested in -- EMT, AEMT, or Paramedic.
We recommend staying during the full presentation to get the most information about the program. Our presenters usually speak for about an hour and try to be efficient, but we like to leave more than enough time for questions & answers during and after the presentation.
We do not hold any courses that are strictly online. We do have select hybrid courses however, all our courses will be greater than 80% on campus.