Durham Tech Duke Street North
3414 North Duke Street, Durham, NC, US
Room Number 305
DANIELLE KNOCKUMProgram Coordinator/Administration/Instructor
Business and Entrepreneurship/ Information Technologies
9195367200 ext 4407knockumd@durhamtech.eduBCBS Insurance Prelicensing Information Session
Positively impact the health and well-being of North Carolina residents by helping more people meet their insurance needs. Durham Tech and Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina (Blue Cross NC) have partnered to develop the insurance prelicensing program.Applicants for North Carolina Department of Insurance (NCDOI) licensing insurance exams are required to complete an approved and mandated prelicensing education course. These prelicensing insurance courses prepare students to learn general terms and concepts associated with Life, Accident and Health/Sickness, and Medicare Supplement/ Long-Term Care; policy provisions; options and various features; and NC statutes and regulations. Course instructors are NCDOI approved and provided by the Insurance Educational Systems (IES).
In this information session we will cover:
- Class Schedule
- Program requirements
- Blue Cross and Blue Shield Scholarship Information
- Prerequisites
- Cost